Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Its been a while

Julia's back in town for a holiday, so the 'Rovers' met up for a short dinner. 'Rovers' in inverted commas because none of us are involved any longer and there were only 6 of us there, down from over 10 of us. Haven met them all in a while, especially Julia who last came back perhaps sometime in 04. If I do recall correctly, this is the first time she's actually back for a longer period of a week. It was fun catching up with her life given that I hadn't even know that she had graduated and is now into cancer research. Rare few, though without her partner, was still as rare with her often hilarious comments that never failed to tickle us. I was of course updated with the latest in the others' lives too. Zhu has given in and is switching jobs to be working under another fren of ours. Quite queer, but I'm happy for her since she has managed to leave the 'dark side'. *haha* Waiting for my opportunity to escape from the 'evil clutches of the dark force'.

It was pleasant meeting up with old friends, but I seem to have grown distant from the rest of them who have grown closer together. The only reason I could give myself was perhaps I had changed. *shrug* Should perhaps reflect on this.

But now, its back to work!

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