Saturday, February 25, 2006

Bosses chose a really good time to come by and check on us... Fri afternoon.. and they stayed till like 7 odd. After they left, we still had to clear those queries of theirs. For goodness sake, its a Friday!! I seriously think I've been programmed to stop working by around 7 latest, on a Friday. So ya, I was kinda not too happy about it. And because they left so late, I couldn't make it back to see another manager, which means I've got to wait another 2 weeks cause he's going to be out of office. I've got really important matters to talk about to the manager, and now I've gotta wait. Really bad timing. Never mind, let's just hope my patience will pay off.

Had a short chat with the co's sales manager and one of the sales rep. The sales manager is such a nice lady. Its always so much fun talking to her and she's always so willing to help. She had 3 frens who used to be in my line but all 3 have since left and are in very diverse fields now. So she encouraged me to pursue my interests instead of slogging my life away doing something I don't have the interest in. They were chasing me to go home too simply because its a Friday and I was going to be the last one left in the office. I was even offered a ride out of the industrial park. =)

My plan for the weekend was to finish up all the backlog that I've been carrying forward so that I'll have time to start with my studies. But the plan doens't seem to be falling into place. I see work piling up once more. *Sighz*

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