Saturday, June 30, 2007

時をかける少女 - The Girl Who Leapt Thru Time

Saw this posted on Aki's blog and my inherent love for anime meant I watched it immediately when I had the time to... Its a simple show, but with strong meaning to it...

I always thought about how great it would be if I could turn back time and re-do those things that din turn out the way I wanted them to... I'm sure I ain't the only one guilty of this thought... when something goes wrong, everybody will think, "If I could turn back time, I would have...."

But after watching this show, its not as if turning back the clock is the best way to make right something that was wrong... sometimes, turning back time only made things worse... also, should you be happy after making things right, more often than not, someone else will suffer in your place... just like the Chinese saying goes, "把自己的快乐建立在别人的痛苦上”. That's just kinda mean.. several times, when Makoto travelled back in time to correct something, another disastrous incident will occur such that she has to travel back more than once before she manages to put everything in order..

Not exactly sure what the ending means.. At first I thought it was simply that Makoto has Chiaki waiting for her in the future, which is sooo sweet... but then again, how far ahead of time had Chiaki came from?? Can Makoto really 'run' there??

Read elsewhere about the novel from which this anime had been adapted.. If there's an English version available...

Some sad shocking news...

My cousin just told me that one of the singers from Soul (finalist of the Superband competition) had passed on yesterday! SHOCKED!! He's a great dancer and also a dance instructor... News said that he was found dead in his car but the cause of death is still unknown. There're certainly speculations going round, but no point speculating... A life's lost, a young one (he's ard 25, 26) and that's a fact...

If it was "a moment of folly" that led to the end of his life, its really a pity.. I don't reckon there's anything in this world that cannot be resolved... a moment of folly that leaves u with no room for regret and the opportunity to make things right again... Life's just too fragile...

I might not know him personally, but yet I feel the loss.. perhaps cos he's a fren's fren... I suppose its also cos I'd been following the Superband competition throughout... watching them for that couple of months, sometimes even at live events... he's always seen on screen to be someone who's very happy-go-lucky, fun-loving etc.. but wat's going on behind that farce... *shrugs*...

If he could travel back in time, I besiege him to turn to his family and frens or whoever he's comfortable with to share his troubles... nothing is worth more than ur life!!

Cried while watching the show... tearing as I typed this entry... gonna get puffy eyes tomorrow...

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