Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The right decision?

Feels weird.. I'm actually writing tis blog in office.. not that there's nothing to do, but more like I'm not in the mood. Just handed in my resignation this morning. Regretting my decision? Certainly not. How I can regret when I haven't even started out my other job to know that I won't like it enough. But its more like feeling lost and sad.

I don't know what to expect from here on. Its never easy to move out of one's comfort zone, to have to adapt to a whole new environment again. Its really comfortable here, with all my close buddies. I'm actually close to tears right now. My last day has been reflected. Its a mere 2 weeks away. I'm so gonna miss everything, everyone here. All the lunches, coffee breaks, bdae celebrations, chill-outs... the list goes on. SEPT 6 RUN PALS, U'LL ALL BE MOST DEARLY MISSED!! Ya, I will still remain in contact with them, but its gonna be very different.

Given the old me, perhaps I would've embraced this change with a lot more optimism. But I've changed. I seek stability more than I seek challenges now. Maybe I've grown all weary. A little early in life to be feeling weary, I know, but I really don't have a direction in life. I'm like bulldozing my way around blindly, hoping that some day, things will jus fall into place on its own. Don't really know what I'm doing.

I'll probably have 1 - 2 weeks of break before I start work again. Thinking of travelling for a week. Can't really plan anything at the moment, will just see where I'm led to or see who invites me to visit them.

For better or for worse, I really don't know. Only time will tell. ^^

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