Friday, August 17, 2007


Its one of those times when all the pieces of the puzzle just fall into place nicely on their own, making u a happy happy person at the end of the day =)

Managed to catch the fireworks despite being late as it started later than the stipulated time. Not really sure what it is about fireworks that captivates me. Perhaps its the colors that brighten up the nite sky making it look all dazzling? Fireworks nowadays ain't the typical standard ones anymore. There was something Earth-looking, heart-shaped fireworks etc. An impromptu decision to catch the fireworks, no camera and hence no pics. Then it was off to a really late dinner. It was ard qtr past 10 by the time I got there and I wasn't hungry anymore. For me, hunger pangs usually disappear after a while. Good way to remain slim. Heh. Dinner with Roofus was actually impromptu as well. Although short, it rounded up the nite beautifully ^^

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