Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I have to say I've got the most wonderful boss I can ever ask for.. He's understanding and rolls his sleeves up to help (ie. he doesn't just sit there barking orders!) He doesn't lose his temper (at least not at me) either.. what more can I ask for? I'm really thankful for him, else I think the last 2 years in banking would have been more hellish..

So, what prompted this entry was the chat I had with my boss this afternoon.. It was actually to talk about the upcoming budgeting (yes, the most dreaded time of the year!) and he started a little on performance review.. he started with how we are benchmarked against each other.. and since I had been promoted, the expectations have of course been raised too.. he can't really decide if the promotion was good or bad either.. he said that their decision to push me so quickly was two-fold - 1) to begin with, I had been downgraded by HR when I first joined and so my bosses felt they needed to push me up quickly and 2) they think that I've grown professionally and should move-on.. When I first started, I did feel that I was kinda short-changed.. but then the promotions came a little too quickly for me to handle.. learning curves are way steeeeppp!!! back to budgeting.. after the no. was vaguely set, he asked "so how, stressed or not?"

er.. I had felt the stress from the day I got the promo letter.. and here he is asking me half a year later.. hmm.. had he not seen or felt the immense pressure I was under?? my reaction and reply was probably a little too emotional.. I was told not to be too hard on myself.. since I've only been in banking for 2 years as compared to my fellow peers who've had longer banking experience.. for himself, he prob had bout 7 years experience when he joined the team and was placed in charge of the huge account and he felt intimidated then.. so he can very well imagine the kind of fear and stress that I'm experiencing.. perhaps, the expectations the bosses have of me is not as high I make it out to be? They probably might cut me some slack for being inexperienced.. then again.. what the heck is an inexperienced person holding the rank of AVP??

I better learn to expect less from myself.. less stressful, more time to sleep, complexion will improve and I can look younger!!! ははは!!

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